John and Paul

I'm about 2 Months into my Beatles phase (Happens about once every 3 years and usually lasts up to 10 months) and this was an odd one out in the set I was going to publish this week so I decided to give it it's own column :)
This is John Lennon and Paul McCartney (Hamburg Era). I've had comments that John is recognizable but Paul's a bit too generic looking in this one, I blame the Photograph :P. I tried a new texture for the skin this time to experiment and I guess it came out quite well. This is the first time I've drawn any member's of the Beatles since I was in primary school, when the Yellow Submarine was my favorite movie. Nostalgia~ :D

This was my reference, I originally wanted to project the subtle colors onto this piece but I decided this version looked best black and white. I might use this photo for another one later.


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