Nature By Night
What started out as an experiment in Biro-Graphics and mark making ended up being a depiction of a flower Sprite or Nature Goddess, take your pic, and also ended up being on of the longest pictures it took for me to do, as I rarely take breaks, this took about six hours spread across two days. 
As I recall I drew it strait after Tiger in the Snake Pit. Nature by Night has much less of a story too it, just a whole lot of distance. I went through a rebellious faze in high school where I wanted to draw nudes, it helped me over come the shyness about sex, far too many people have impairing them today. Despite her legs and stomach being the only pieces really exposed, (hardly what I would consider a Nude!) I still got a good flinch out of some of the girls in my class. Males seemed to like this piece more, which surprised me as in my experience men link nudity to sex more often than women do. My conclusion is that males knew that I was Hetero and thus can't have drawn it for erotic content, but the females still confuse me...                                                       I was later scolded by my older brother Angus, with a late warning that I should not through Perls before Swine and that I would be socially rejected if I presented it in High School. But I don't much care for the opinions of people foolish enough to mistakenly judge me as a bad person, but I actually got respect as I was seen as rebellious and brave, possibly for the wrong reasons ;)


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